Twerking Girl NSFW Statuette
Twerking Girl NSFW Statuette
The model comes in size of 48.92mm (1.92 inches tall) 97.85mm (3.85 Inches). The 48.92mm comes as a single piece while the 97.85mm comes in multiple pieces. It is an unpainted model so you may customize her to your hearts content. The model will be made ready for shipment within 3 to 5 days, packaged safely, and shipped ASAP.
Model comes with the options of Normal, SFW, and unclothed NSFW, and if the size of model you are wanting isn't offered contact the store and a size, and price, that you want can be discussed.
Each part is made in a durable resin, and printed at 35 microns of thickness for highest definition.
Due to the nature of 3d printing small surface defects are possible, but all efforts will go into minimizing these. In most cases any remaining artifacts can be removed with tweezers or a hobby knife.
Models are printed in a matte resin that has been thoroughly torture tested, surviving 60 inch drops to a hard surface and taking only small damage from 60 inch drop to tile! Hopefully something you wont need to reproduce.
This shop is a authorized vendor of Torrida Minis, the creators of this model. Model depicted as 18+
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